Endometriosis: Myths vs. Facts

Learn the truth and be part of the solution

Endometriosis (endo) is a disease that experts are just scratching the surface of when it comes to cause, prevention, and treatment. Here are some myths that continue to persist:⁠


❌Having a hysterectomy will cure endo⁠

❌Getting pregnant will cure endo⁠

❌People with endo only have pain during their periods⁠

❌Everyone with endo has pain that starts when they first get their period⁠

❌People with endo only have pain in the abdomen or pelvic area⁠

❌Being on birth control stops endo⁠

❌You don't need to have an specialist do an excision surgery (cutting out endometriosis tissue), any surgeon who can do ablation (cauterizing or burning off endometriosis tissue) can take care of the problem⁠

❌Repeated laparoscopic surgeries with ablation are totally fine and don't have any major side effects ⁠

❌Endometriosis is caused by having a c-section birth⁠

❌Having extreme pain with your menstrual cycle that causes you to miss work or school is just part of being a woman⁠


Fact: ⁠

📌1 in 10 people with vaginas have endometriosis⁠

📌Endometriosis definition: cells similar to those in the lining of the uterus (the endometrium) are found outside the uterus⁠

📌Endometriosis cells create an inflammatory response, leading to many common symptoms: painful bladder, painful intercourse, pelvic pain, IBS, hypersensitive nervous system, etc.⁠

📌Time of onset of symptoms to diagnosis averages 5-10 years⁠

📌Endo can cause problems with fertility⁠

📌People with endometriosis frequently complain of symptoms of depression, anxiety, brain fog, and extreme fatigue

📌There are both genetic and environmental risk factors for developing the disease⁠

📌People with endo are more likely to have other autoimmune diseases⁠

📌The amount of pain a person experiences with endo does not correlate with disease severity⁠

📌Excision surgery is the gold standard for the removal of endometrial lesions and should be performed by a vetted excision surgeon⁠

📌Endometriosis is associated with an increased risk of ovarian cancer⁠, PCOS, asthma, migraines, thyroid dysfunction, Ehler's Danlos Syndrome, and more⁠


What can help

  • Work with a qualified professional to and start an individualized optimum nutrition and supplement plan to support healing and reduce inflammation

  • Find a pelvic health physical therapist with a strong knowledge-base and expertise in endometriosis, and its concurrent issues, and who is skilled in manual therapy - myofascial release, visceral mobilization, trigger point release, and internal pelvic floor muscle work

  • Work with your physical therapist to discover strategies to provide relief to your nervous system

  • Get support and educate yourself, but avoid spending too much time in negative spaces


In their words…

What people with endo have told me their symptoms can feel like:

  • “Like someone is taking a knife and stabbing me up inside my vagina”

  • “I feel like my intestines are being ripped and torn apart!”

  • “My bowel movements are so painful, it scares my husband because I scream so loud”

  • “I feel like my insides are on fire”

  • “Yesterday my pain was so bad that I threw up”

  • “I don’t have sex anymore because afterwards it feels like razorblades have cut through me!”

  • “I was just standing there, just talking to my boss, and all of a sudden it felt like someone stabbed me in the belly! I couldn’t breathe and my boss had a look of horror on his face”

  • “I was in so much pain that I went to the ER and they told me I just had an ovarian cyst burst. They told me to take some ibuprofen and go home. I was in the fetal position sobbing and I couldn’t move it hurt so bad, but they didn’t care”


Look, even if you don't suffer from this debilitating and devastating disease, 1 in 10 means that someone you know and love does. Learn the truth and be a source of education and support.⁠


Disclaimer: These self-care suggestions are for general use only and are not intended to be used as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Refer to your medical provider for all questions and concerns regarding your individual care.


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